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Pressure gauge with switch contacts 0 ... 600 bar

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Pressure gauge with switch contacts 0 ... 600 bar

High reliability and long service life

Up to 4 switch contacts per instrument

Instruments with electronic contacts for PLC applications

Contact gauges comply with DIN 16085


Models PGS21.100, PGS21.160 , Stainless steel, NS 100 and 160


* Control and regulation of industrial processes

* Monitoring of plants and switching of circuits

* For gaseous and liquid media that are not highly viscous or crystallising and will not attack copper alloy parts


* Wherever the process pressure has to be indicated locally and, at the same time, circuits need to be switched, the model PGS21.1x0 switchGAUGE finds its use.

* Switch contacts (electrical alarm contacts) make or break an electric control circuit dependent upon the position of the instrument pointer. The switch contacts are adjustable over the full extent of the scale range (see DIN 16085), and are mounted predominantly below the dial, though also partly on top of the dial. The instrument pointer (actual value pointer) moves freely across the entire scale range, independent of the setting.

* The set pointer can be adjusted using a removable adjustment key in the window.

* Switch contacts consisting of several contacts can also be set to a single set point. Contact actuation is made when the actual value pointer travels beyond or below the desired set point.

* The pressure gauge is manufactured in accordance with DIN 16085 and fulfils all requirements of the relevant standards (EN 837-1) and regulations for the on-site display of the working pressure of pressure vessels.

* As switch contacts, magnetic snap-action contacts, reed switches, inductive contacts and electronic contacts are available. For triggering programmable logic controllers (PLC), electronic contacts and reed switches can be used.

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